Ducks in a Row
This week has been about trying to tie up all the loose ends before I leave in 5 days. And in case you’re wondering, that means downloading the new Suspiria, buying an enamel pin of Katya from, depositing $37 in change, stress eating, and buying a Talking Heads album that even as you buy it you realize it’s dumb to be doing so but still go through with it because you don’t won’t to be obnoxious to the cashier. I did get some packing done. I packed up the extra socks and underwear that I won’t need this week, as well as some pajamas and all my colored chinos. I also divided up my closet into will take, might take, and won’t take. You could make the argument that I could pack most of that stuff now and just plan out what to wear all week but I can’t operate that way. I can only plan out for the next day. So Sunday night is going to be a fun night of panic fueled laundry and packing.
I do have all my cameras set and packed. I’ve got my trusty Canon 50D with a 50mm lens, a vintage Petri 2.8 35mm, a Holga 120N, and a Polaroid SX-70. I’ve debated bringing my other 35mm, a Silette Pronto, because I’ve had issues with the Petri every time I used it. The film would never wind when I advanced it so it would just end up jamming up. I never actually finished a roll. I took it with me to Dodd earlier this week and had someone check it, ended up basically just being human error when loading the film. I’ve got a roll of film in there now that I want to go through before I leave just so I can be sure it’s operating properly. I don’t want to be out and about only to lose a roll because the film jammed up again. I just love the camera so much. The other one is fine. I’ve used it multiple times and have gotten pretty good results out of it. But… this one is just so sturdy and pretty. Hopefully this roll works out and I can breathe easy.
Really all that’s left to do is call my credit card company to put a travel notice on my card, do some more laundry, finish packing, and figure out what I’m making for my going away brunch then I’m all set. Eek.